Friday, October 05, 2007

Living in paradise

Innocence or Ignorance was never a good thing to have. Being ignorant/innocent you allow unscrupulous people to take advantage of you. Nowadays it has also become a style statement, people tend to portray themselves as being innocent while on the lookout for other innocent lives. On the other end of spectrum are people who portray themselves as being know-all but in reality they are ignorant and get cheated.
There are people who take pride in saying they don’t remember what happened yesterday whether I went to place ‘a’ before place ‘b’ or the other way, but are able to remember some incident which happened years ago.
There are people who portray themselves as diplomats, being calm in a situation, thinking about good for all, saying things for common good outside in public but are the exact opposite.
Then there are people who are meticulous in whatever they do, but lose out on the accolades because they don’t show off too much, and are happy with what they get (atleast they seem to be)
Then there are the don’t cares who are oblivious to things happening around, don’t care about anything anywhere and just exist, they are really funny to be around.
Then there are normal people with no great ‘landing on moon’ ambitions ..

It is when all these people meet at a place does trouble being, which, happens everyday everywhere on this planet.


At 2:25 am , Blogger Kishore said...

I can roughly guess whom u r hinting at :)


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