It no longer is fun
Growing up is becoming less adventurous, having to deal with more constraints, rules, customs, society basically it is making yourself a boring creature to be with, with you being incapable of doing something crazy or out of the box or doing something for fun. Whatever you do even if it is new and exciting for you it is no longer done for the want of it, it is all done with only thing in mind- money- and if it is not so, it may be that the thing needs so much of money that you drop it all together. Cycling used to be fun a few years back, now is it fun? No, you do it because you want an exercise and in few cases to save some money spent on petrol. You don’t ride around your flat in cycle all day even if you like to becos you’ll think people would brand you crazy or the rowdy types. Do you jump into the gutter to retrieve a ball when playing cricket? No! You ask some small kid to do it for you.
While growing up did give us a lot of options we never had previously, it has taken away all we had for 15 – 18 years. We no longer have that freedom or security. Can we now ring someones door bell and scamper from there. Or can we release air from next door uncle’s motorcycle for ‘revenge’. Nope :-( none of it is possible. I once shouted at one uncle “poda sotta thala *%$%$%” and few weeks later I asked him how he was, he had forgotten all of it or atleast he had forgiven me. I was not a 4 year old then, I was in ninth standard and still nothing. If he had come home with complaints I had a huge truck load of complaints against him, so my case was strong. At that time I thought he was afraid of complaining, come to think of it I think he was. Now who would go in public and say that he was bad-mouthed at by a teenager in front of 10 kids, or that the same kid threw an atom bomb into his bedroom through the window, when he himself had a worrisome kid who caused an old man his eye sight.
I am missing all that, hope I had that freedom now, I would have given my opinion to a lot of people.
nice blog doode...but thats life i guess...growing up and moving on...gud time pass ur blogs are...
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