There are times when you miss being at home. One such time is when u live with 7 other lethargic people. It is a competitive environment where each tries to be more lethargic than the other person. Unfortunately a few unlucky souls who realize that someone has to get up early (which may be ten minutes before the next person) is tagged as being an “early riser”. That tag weighs heavily on my shoulders. My mother would be really proud of me if she happens to know all this (ME AN EARLY WHO GETS UP EARLY … ha ha ha )
Like all people I prefer someone waking me up-so that if it gets late you can always throw the blame on them (just joking). I have not much of a choice, simple calculations would tell that someone has to get up early. I made that calculation(one more mistake), so i took up the cue.One thing I really hate is looking at seven sleeping %^&%@ while I get up. I sometimes feel like throwing a bucket of water on their heads. That’s why I like weekends, no tension of getting up early, no office, no work (as if I have on weekdays). Weekends I try to get up as late as possible to shrug of the bad feelings of the past week J .
“kaal karai so aaj kar, aaj karai so ab” is something which we despise
(something must be done to treat these seven people) ..what to do ?